2 Nov 2024—16 Mar 2025

How Soon Is Now?

Opening soon
How Soon Is Now?

Image: Bruce Reynolds, Coronas, 2015, Courtesy the artist

Opening soon

How Soon is Now? brings together a selection of Bruce Reynolds’ exquisite cast relief works with two-dimensional collaged linoleum works.

In this exhibition, Reynolds explores his own philosophical notions of history, and social and geographic space. His subdued relief sculptures contrast with his colourful two-dimensional works fashioned from repurposed, inlaid linoleum, to create a visual language of pattern and colour that is simultaneously playful, nostalgic and contemplative. Whether viewed individually, or collectively as a whole, Bruce’s works have a physicality that is frequently overlooked in today’s growing digital environment.

The materials and processes used by Bruce Reynolds bridge disciplinary categories and combine the physical with narrative, and image with object. Together these works invite a consideration of the ancient in relation to the present.

“Since how we see the past reflects how we see ourselves, the works are intended to question the tableau of history with consideration of the recent and ancient together,” Reynolds said.

How Soon Is Now?

Image: Bruce Reynolds, Coronas, 2015, Courtesy the artist